
A Chair

I hold Papa’s chair

I sit on a chair also

Therefore I am chair

               | Erik Nazar

Malvolian of the Year

Shining Brow

On foot we travel

Learning more

On Frank Lloyd Wright tour

Much to see

In amongst the trees

Rhubarb grows

Near Midway Barn

Bugs, bugs darn

Grace was chat chat chat

Floppy hat

We learned a lot

Grace chat NOT!

               | Julie


Enjoying all the frivolities

While waiting for the whistle to blow

               It’s time to go

               We’ll never know

The surprise in the show

               | Joe

August 14th, 6am

Without an East wind

Or a West wind to pull us

We fly true North we

               | Mike


A perseid flares!

That was a seven or eight!

I didn’t see it.

               | Bryan


Cedar Valley Lodge

Has seen many folks like us

It’ll never be the same

               | Tommye

Diced Fate

Chips churn. You’re up, then

You need replaced ricotta

And trees attack you

               | YOS

Blinking Grace

Blink blink Grace blink blink

Blink blink blink blink blink blink blink

Blink blink blink blink blink

               | Julie

Weekend Fun

Casino it is

Win or lose

No time for snooze

Win or lose

Always time for booze

Win or lose

There’s always next year.

               | Julie

Drift Less

Float more! Dam it all

Taliesin, lake swimming

Driftless savannah

               | MJ

Behold our Leader

Compliments to John

Who brings together each year

Friends and family

               | Anon


Blackjack wow simple.

Craps is the easiest thing.

I just sold my pants

               | YOS

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