It’s Frigg's Day, December 27, 1624 - Gregorian since 1582

WwW XXIV is over - see you next year!

Veni, Vidi, Veekend

Friday, September 13th through Sunday, September 15th 2024

Dress up like an ancient patrician and party down like a reckless college student ... This year, Weekend is going toe-GUH, toe-GUH, toe-GUH!

Now join our exclusive Facebook Group!

“Such inordinate and low desires, Such poor, such bare, such lewd, such mean attempts, Such barren pleasures, rude society, As thou art match'd withal, and grafted to! ” - W.S.

Weekend with William:  It's forty eight hours of zaniness - two nights at the hotel, one play, and the WwWm package - all for the low low price of not that much.  Listen to what some previous Weekenders have said:

“... better than Cats!” 

“Best toxic waste swimming ever!”

“It’s not just the humidity.  It’s the heat, heat prostration and heat stroke!”

“... best corn-fed Shakespeare on the planet!”

“I’ll send an e-mail when I think of something!”

“Fun, fun, fun, now where’s my pants?”

(“Special thanks to WwWWebmaster John Kieken for donating his time, space and talent here!” – J.H.)

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