Exciting news, friends!
Webmaster John K has completely remodeled our site and bought us our very own domain, www.WeekendWithWilliam.com! To quote Shakespeare, “No tempest of navigation; ’tis radically awesome” (from The Comedy of Error Messages). Be sure to check out all the pages — especially the letter from our captain. In the coming weeks, we’ll be able to use the blog for food planning, carpooling, etc. Many thanks upon John K!
As for our trip this July 20-22, there’s still a little time to join.
Tickets. I need to pay by this Friday. Unless you let me know differently, I’ll be buying tickets for the following Weekenders:
Kurt and Deb (2)
John K
John H
Ed and Sharon (2)
Steve, Steve’s Mom, Steve’s Mom’s Friend, Steve’s Uncle (4)
Rooms. If you haven’t yet, call ASAP for reservations at the Baymont Inn. (309) 662-2800. Discount rates in the Hoffman Group.
— Y.O.S. (Your Obedient Servant)