Compleat the Caption Contest

From Weekender Mike …

Help capture the essence of “Weekend With” and aide in the production of humorous promotional materials, and indeed, help us find new ways to self-absorb together more fully. The idea is this: best photo matched with best completion of the phrase:

“Weekend with William: _________________ .”

Happily, we have stumbled upon a methode of drawing this out for several weeks:

Parte One: Findeth Canon (or Nikon) Fodder. Deadline: May 29th
Nominate a happy few (no more than five) Photographical Evidences for captioning. Seeke out the Funny, Interesting or Outrageous vistas and visages crying out for a smart-alecky remarking. It’s EASY:

FIRST: Choose from our vast Website Repository (simply enter “www” in the Search box to view all images in one sumptuous heape! (or click HERE)) and THEN: send us ( the names.

OR: send us ( as yet undisclosed photos of your own devising- under the sole condition that said images contain the captured living essence of at least one Weekender.

Parte Deux: Chooseth The Fertilest of the Fodder. Deadline: June 12th
Each of us shall then commence to voting for our favourite features of the fetid heape. For your ease of choosing The Management shall compile all fodder into a single convenient ballot and display it prominently and publicly, to the shame and community horror of all.

Then, commence you to Vote for your top three favorites of these , in rank-order, fixing the first as your rankest (most favoured) choice. The Management shall further endeavour to tally all votes using a weighted scale. (Notice Well: Your first choice will be worth 4 points, second choice 2 points, and third choice 1 point.)

The top five vote getters will thus in the next stage be elevated to the status of target practice for our rapier (butter-knife?) wits.

Parte Drei: Affix Thine Captions! Deadline: June 26th
Compleat the following caption for any and as many of The Fetid Fertile Five Finalist Photos as tickle your fancy cross-gartered leggings and send us ( the name of the photo and a clever compleat-tion of:

Weekend with William: _____________________

We shall affix the captions to the photos.

Parte Four: At long last, exercise your estate! Deadline: July 10th

Vote for your singular favourite. The winningest entry will be immortalized in a Tee Shirt- to be announced on 15 July Bastille Day and to be awarded to the photo submitter and the captioneer with a most pompous presentation en lodge. This, and a selection of other popular runners-up designs will all be made available for ordering en line prior to the Weekend.

OK, don’t just sit there, LOOK AROUND!

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