In the Comments Section below, please offer your vote for the 2009 Malvolian of the Year Best Poem
William Weekend in Wisconsin
For not faint hearted
Lacerated toe in Moccasin
Gangrene hath started
– Scott
I Hate Haikus
I hate haikus lots
Stupid little pointless things
Wait I just did one
– Alex
Gownku (courtesy FTD)
For the gown winner
Prancing and dancing with glee
Welcome to the fold
– Melissa
William Weekend Nine
William Weekend Nine
Exposed to William first time
Cover my ta-ta’s
– Andrea
A Bovine Fantasia
How now, cow
You are brown
Or black
Or even moo of blue
There is no verigation
In your pigmentation
Your single hue
Is pleasing to the eye
Standing stark against the sky
You, rumen true,
Do but chew
Converting grass of green
To nectar white
Which passes then to local cheeseries
Where Kelly, of hair color light,
Does regale with tales of muenster, swiss and cheddars all
Until we, few merry band,
Do pretentiously munch from mouth to hand.
– Bryan
Lodge Sonnet: A Tete-a-tete
Between Pheasants,
One Worried, the Other Not
They’re blind! – squawked Fred’rick – gullet flushed of hope.
That walls that in iced days release their scent
Of slaught’rous beast should in summer not scope
Our urge to preen and plash. O joy is rent!
Hang on, says Murray. I seen this gaggle.
I heard ‘em come; you won’t believe their story.
We know rifle butts, but malmsey? A bag’ll
Cheer ‘em – if it’s got brie instead of quarry.
You see they brought no dogs? I heard one say
They couldn’t kennel theirs, not knowing whether
He’d feel lonely. When they say “game”, they mean play,
Not us! Brykus? Gowns? Don’t ruffle a feather.
Thus Fred’rick warbled odes: ’Tis this I wished!
Till he, by a misthrown water balloon, was squished.
– John
6 Responses to Odes to Weekend