Jive talkin Tops

Just your name. | MJ after Rob asked what as a newbie he should share with the group

Pie Today (?) | MJ

What the hell are you even doing? Why are you bothering? | Ed, watching John cut off tiny slivers of quiche.

The first part is pants on. The second part is often pants off. | Bryan

Pat. | Our surly, inefficient, officious, indoor-smoking ranger.

Mighty Casey struck out. | Wayne entertained us while we tried coping with Ranger Pat’s nonsense.

Stop offering things you don’t want to do. | Deb’s advice to John

Why develop it if you don’t like it? | Wayne, about trying new tastes

I’m going to hit the grape vodka hard. | Bryan as we realized our canoe trip was being rained out

I’m not complaining. I’m just extremely detailed. They are projecting. | Rob with the first ever haikued top.

It sounded to me like Rob had been abducted. I thought it was the old folks coming over the phone. | Dave was confused when we searched for him under the mistaken belief he had gotten misplaced.

People need to keep track of their own drinks. | Sue E. with the first ever quote taglined top.

Some kid with cancer needs new flooring. | A group of us was unclear where the lemonade stand proceeds supposedly went.

I can’t write that here. | Tommye on her Newlywed Game partner’s most annoying habit.

And the top of the tops …

I figured out how to blow without putting my lips on it. | Sharon. Possibly referring to the Funnery Sergeant whistle

Posted in 2022 – WwW XXII, Top Ten | Leave a comment

Radical Retrospects

From the Official Evaluation Form …

The Weekend tagline. A quote-whore slogan for our Souvenir Booklet and merchandising. Example: “Weekend: Your Wish is Our Regret”

People need to keep track of their own drinks. | Winner.

Deep sea diving

Together almost as long as Tommye and Wayne


Since we are in Wisconsin – Cheesy Weekend!

The canoe trip

All the fun of the Seventies without the haunting terror of imminent thermonuclear annihilation

Where the flooring is never bad

What startling revelation did you learn about one of your fellow Weekenders which you would never dare repeat in a jillion years? Feel free to name names.

On a golf course?

John and Bryan are better than ever!

Exercise after getting drunk!

Cannot repeat it now

“In a car. Before we got married.”

They are secretly breeding llamas.


Pickleball + Plan 10 things, then remove 5 + AD German Warehouse? + No rain for 2023 + Definitely include canoeing of course + Refurbished Crane preserve.


Kocktail Kontest

Sloe Gin Sparkler | Bryan

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wallbanger | YOS

The Godfather | Rob

Spicy Cedar Valley Lemonade | Sachin (Winner!)

Funnery Sergeant

Sachin | Captain Neatfreak: Mary Jo

GoH winner

Bryan | The Jokes on You joke contest

Remembrance of Hilarities Past

The Weekend Souvenir Booklet

Posted in 2022 – WwW XXII, Survey Says... | Leave a comment

Out of sight odes

The Patlocked Putz

Pat was smoking his butts
The good group needed some futz
Where’s your sticker?
Can you believe his guts?
That was a kicker

                | Sue E. Malvolian of the Year

No Haiku!

Haiku: Such nonsense for a poem!
Ridiculous – I moan
Just write some verse
Make words to rhyme
Keep it simple and save time

                | Wayne (First runner up)

No comparing

Playing games with friends
Makes me feels so inept, lost
But I’m not alone

                | Tommye (Second runner up)

It’s a fact

I’m not complaining
I’m just extremely detailed
They are projecting

                | Rob

Here’s the idea
Build up hope of pie today
We can sell the signs!

                | Deb

Pat hid; Bryan found
Lunch soothed the tension quite soon
Now another hides?

                | Anon

Random Thoughts

School on hill, rain, locked!
Cows have personality
Wyoming Valley

                | MJ

Crushed and tumbled

Long last Dad? What next?
Hardened by pressures of life
I’m Roger the Rock

                | YOS

Lodge Limerick

The manly guest comes to make a pheasant hit.
For fickle us, it’s our lavish present fit.
Such rich hunting land.
A urinal, if you stand.
But hardly the place to take a quiet and pleasant … sit.

                | YOS

Is badly underrated
Can do this later

                | Mike, during the closing ceremonies

Posted in 2022 – WwW XXII, Poetry Slam | Leave a comment

You bet we had a hoot and a half!

The Peach Bellini Casino and Hideaway! … We topped ourselves once more, poemed, and expressed our deepest impulses. And as you’ll see in our photo album, it was a Weekend lousy with winners — and not just at the tables — including:

  • Malvolian of the Year: Alex Nazar
  • Kocktail Kontest: Jennifer, Tuaca Tuscan Spice. … Other entries: White Negroni (Bryan), 3PB (YOS), Death in the Afternoon (Wayne)
  • Gown of Humility: Fred

And we even had the media following us around this year. (Not, we hasten to add, for the ‘police reports’ page.)

The spirit of Fran lives on!

Posted in 2021 – WwW XXI | Leave a comment


What our Weekenders are saying …

Tagline Suggestions:

  • Friends become family | Julie [Winner!]
  • Weekend – Ever changing, always a blast
  • Drift Less | Joe
  • Let’s do it again next year | Mick
  • A bucolic spectacle – now with more all-terrain vehicles! | A Friend.
  • Don’t count your chips before the end.
  • Let’s gamble: Addictions are great! | Fred
  • You will enjoy it a lot if you don’t get shot. | Dave
  • Rosemary – the champagne of Italy | MJ
  • The house took my money, but not my family | Alex
  • Now with septic vents! | YOS
  • Go all in if you want to go to bed. | Alex
  • The most complicated way to have fun, bar none!
  • Hot hot hot | Erik Nazar
  • Open the windows and let me in | Tommye

Before coming this Weekend, I was sure I would embarrass myself by:

  • Blocking up the “loo” | Julie
  • Saying something I’d regret
  • Overeating | Joe
  • Not knowing what we were doing | Mick
  • Not bringing everything for Saturday dinner. | Rosemary
  • Wandering from my room to the shower while underdressed. | A Friend.
  • Being the Booby – did it!
  • Not knowing how to play craps. | Fred
  • Pretty much everything. | Dave
  • Forgetting to flush the toilet. | MJ
  • Forgetting my pills and other absolutely needed stuff. | Wayne
  • Stinking up the bathroom. | Alex
  • Showing up wearing a Hawaiian shirt and hula skirt.
  • Not looking good! | Tommye
  • Sleeping around like a dime store floozy | YOS
  • Not knowing how to play. | Alex


Pizza night Friday, Mexican night, birdwatching, drumming, fire pit night, special awards for workers, September, closer to home, bags, bocce

Posted in 2021 – WwW XXI, Survey Says... | Leave a comment


A Chair

I hold Papa’s chair

I sit on a chair also

Therefore I am chair

               | Erik Nazar

Malvolian of the Year

Shining Brow

On foot we travel

Learning more

On Frank Lloyd Wright tour

Much to see

In amongst the trees

Rhubarb grows

Near Midway Barn

Bugs, bugs darn

Grace was chat chat chat

Floppy hat

We learned a lot

Grace chat NOT!

               | Julie


Enjoying all the frivolities

While waiting for the whistle to blow

               It’s time to go

               We’ll never know

The surprise in the show

               | Joe

August 14th, 6am

Without an East wind

Or a West wind to pull us

We fly true North we

               | Mike


A perseid flares!

That was a seven or eight!

I didn’t see it.

               | Bryan


Cedar Valley Lodge

Has seen many folks like us

It’ll never be the same

               | Tommye

Diced Fate

Chips churn. You’re up, then

You need replaced ricotta

And trees attack you

               | YOS

Blinking Grace

Blink blink Grace blink blink

Blink blink blink blink blink blink blink

Blink blink blink blink blink

               | Julie

Weekend Fun

Casino it is

Win or lose

No time for snooze

Win or lose

Always time for booze

Win or lose

There’s always next year.

               | Julie

Drift Less

Float more! Dam it all

Taliesin, lake swimming

Driftless savannah

               | MJ

Behold our Leader

Compliments to John

Who brings together each year

Friends and family

               | Anon


Blackjack wow simple.

Craps is the easiest thing.

I just sold my pants

               | YOS

Posted in 2021 – WwW XXI, Poetry Slam | Leave a comment

Topping off 21

  • Who needs Deb Dicke? | Said entirely in sour-grapes jest, we assure you, as Bryan carried on the Cheese Tradition. Deb, we miss you — come back!
  • Did someone just join us? | Alex H very quietly when we realized there was one more silhouette than we expected in the darkness.
  • I’ve done this before. I should know better.
  • Moronis: The dimmest star in the constellation Dufus.
  • We may be a pharmacy right here. | Sharon, when Tommye realized she didn’t bring her pills
  • The trees started choking the prairies, encroaching. | Docent Grace
  • Art circles and spotlights? Or silos and septic vents? | Urban vs. rural perspectives perhaps.
  • I hope your favorite color isn’t blue. | Jennifer
  • Be taller!
  • He could knock a buzzard off a sh*t wagon with his smell | Traditional
  • The man in the black box made me do it. | Jennifer explaining her dancing
  • Tips! Tips! Tips!
  • Hot table
  • Where’s my bathroom?
  • You can still impeach him, by the way. | Referring to Funnery Sgt Fred on Sunday morning
  • Blink blink blink.
  • If there were a winner for place, I would have cleaned up for Kangaroo Trainer
  • The table was cold!
  • Why do they call it Little Joe?

And the Top of 21 …

  • Not to change the subject, but is that a septic field? | Jennifer
Posted in 2021 – WwW XXI, Top Ten | Leave a comment

Shore Excursions

Things to Do around the Lodge.

Posted in 2021 – WwW XXI, Announcements, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Your Weekend Souvenir Booklet

Take a walk through the Tops, cocktails, poems and more of years past with your own Weekend Souvenir Booklet

Posted in 2021 – WwW XXI, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

WiFiW 20: Re-Zoom the Zany

Laughs, haikus, Tops, costumes, improv, theater and raised glasses! From coast to coast, we did it all. Without having to ever gas up or wait for an available shower. And for the first time ever (that you know of), we recorded an entire Weekend so you can binge watch the highlights over and over.

  • Ku! We slammed a range of wondrous new poems and chose our Malvolian of 2020.
  • Underwear! We Topped ourselves yet again.
  • Dress Up contest winner: Jennifer!
Posted in 2020 – WwW XX | Leave a comment