Poetry (?) XI

Please add your poems below or in the comments section, and vote on your favorite.

Some Haikus

Elizabeth: Nice!
From Flor’da.  Really likes us?
We’re Sally Field!

Sonnet: What I planned to write.
But then, uhk, nothing.

Couplets, iambs, feet,
Rhyme schemes.  Hell, I’d rather climb



Remembrance and Reminder: A Post-End Note
As the cow said to his mom, Thanks for the mammaries

This ‘postend’ I am not up for poetizing,
To meter muddle our happy dregs: Peels
Triumphant, sand dragged home, gobs of Visine,
games put back, new blender packed, cigar butts, wheels

Of pretension Ziplocked – Again, jerkily,
Our Gown on hanger-new awaits.  One crew
saw all cranes and sniffed cheese sludge.  And our whole troupe, we –
Some small, and from far, those new, one sha-rew

In warm days quaffed, put tongue to Mikotti
Surfeit, and snacks … And now, for future smirks,
Please hit the blogs, post your pix, and all try
To soberly record how your drink works.

But more verse? William, see the end of my fist?
I would rather head to a taxidermist.



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