From our customer satisfaction survey (“We value your opinion! — though frankly not as much as you do”):
Quote whore testimonials
- “J’accuse WwW of being too much fun” (Deb)
- “I’m not doing any homework” (Bonnie. A response to being asked to fill out the survey.)
- “Words, words, words, etc.” (John Kieken.)
- “It keeps going and going” (Bryan)
- “We thank God for John Hoffman who made this possible” (Wayne — well what do you expect from a father?)
- “Will set your hair on fire” (Bonnie, submitted by Fran)
- “Fewer and fewer unexplained odors every year!” (YOS)
Least compelling experience
- Hamlet: He should have died in the first Act (Wayne)
- Bloomington Museum (Fran)
- Burr House (The Johnbon)
- The Mary Ann reunion — people who hate people (Deb)
Some thoughts from Weekender Wayne:
- Shakespeare should be given in regular American language
- 2016 group of 10 were outstanding personalities — and people, too!
- Compliments to Deb for an excellent mystery show
- Best of off, compliments to John for doing this now and in previous years
And to the question of whether anyone has organizational proposals or suggestions for future Weekends, from Deb: “Let’s ask McKinsey!”