The “Weekend’s Got No Talent” Contest

There’s no doubt, lined up side to side and head to toe, we Weekenders have just as much talent as any randomly chosen cross-section of any Westernized nation. Let’s prove that to ourselves!

Contest Rules

Rules for the first annual Weekend’s Got No Talent Contest are very simple. Just plan on getting in front of the group, and start performing. Music, acrobatics, oratory, origami, humming through an unexpected orifice: Whatever you think will win you the smallest amount of derision.

Everyone will get up to ten minutes (and no fewer than nine) to impress the audience. We’ll all take turns on the Rotating Panel of Snark, fill out our ballots — and announce the winner!

Contest balloting criteria:

1. Overall Quality, 25%
2. Creativity, 25%
3. Sheer Willingness to Risk Humiliation, 35%
4. Costume/Props, 25%

NB: Baton-twirlers or similar acts using batons, machetes, knives etc., will not be accepted. No fire, smoke or smoke-effect will be allowed on stage at any time. Unless they’re really really cool.

If anyone has any special equipment or other needs, please notify YOS presently.

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