It’s Woden's Day, March 12, 1625 - Gregorian since 1582
WwW XXIV is over - see you next year!
The Decline and Fall of Any Last Bits of Weekend Dignity

Friday- 9/13/2024:
- Let the Bacchanal begin!
- Caravan up to our private lodge.
Saturday- 9/14/2024:
- Big Breakfast
- Wisconsin fun, courtesy of Docent for Life Bryan
- Big dinner
- More decadent living. (Note: Several vomitoriums will be available. However, they're not what you think.)
Sunday- 9/15/2024:
- Big Breakfast II
- Wend home
Frequently Asked Question:
Q: I don’t know, but I’m not sure that Weekend is quite right for me, especially at this precarious and shame-filled stage in my life; can you please explain how this all works?
A: Why yes, friend, we can. It’s all quite simple, actually. The good folks at WmCo will take care of most everything once you sign up for your tour of duty.
Rooms. Official Weekend Housing is at Vrooman Mansion in Bloomington, IL or Cedar Valley Lodge in Spring Green, WI.
Transport. We’ll be figuring out caravaning opportunities to accommodate your every social neurosis.
Other. For our main grilling dishes, breakfasts and some miscellaneous costs (including contributions to the ongoing structured settlement fund connected to Ada’s Exquisite Quiltery LLC v Lenny et al), WmCo will kindly ask each Weekender for around twenty bucks.
The question you really need to ask yourself is: Can I afford not to be part of Weekend? And then pretend like the answer is no.
William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, England on April 23, 1564 and died on his 52nd birthday- April 23, 1616.
Shakespeare’s tomb, under the floor of Holy Trinity Church in Stratford, is inscribed with the following curse. It is unknown if William himself had written it... before he died, I mean.
“Good friend for Jesus sake forbear
To dig the dust enclosed here!
Blest be the man that spares these stones,
And curst be he that moves my bones.”